Let's talk! – Bras & Breast Shapes


Anyone ever had the issue of finding the right bra? I used to, and it took a while (few years actually) to find what really worked for me.

I’ve come across a cool chart designed by ThirdLove to help us women understand and determine what bra shape suits us best.

I wish this was around when I was younger instead of searching malls aimlessly, purchasing bras that were either too loose or too tight. Don’t get me wrong, Vicky Secret finally got the size right when I got to high school, but it did take them awhile to get there – and even then, I still didn’t know what style of bras were best for me.

I remember a time when double-cup bras were in trend (I think they still are) and I decided to try it. When I looked in the mirror, my body appeared somewhat unproportional. I mean my boobs were already big, so why did I need to make them bigger? Also, what upset me the most was the lack of resources on the shopping floor to help me. 

Anyways, regardless of my shortcomings, it’s never too late to try new things and adapt new routines. I mean it’s just underwear right?

Take a look at the chart for yourself:


At first glance, I was surprised by the amount of bra shapes that existed. It’s crazy how underwear has expanded over the years! My favorites fall under the Balconette, T-Shirt, and Wireless styles. I actually started wearing wireless recently, as I used to always pass by it in stores because I assumed that they wouldn’t provide much support. To my surprise, they are actually more comfortable than any wired bra I’ve ever worn.

ThirdLove has proved to be an amazing resource when finding the right bras to fit your breast shape. In finding such, they even have an online questionnaire that encourages you to choose your most frequent bra issues so they can provide with an accommodating selection of bras for you. Click here to try it out for yourself! Also, check out their fitting bra collection here!

Anyone second guessing their underwear drawer? Comment below, I know I am.

Until next time,
